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Our Curriculum

Curriculum Intent

The child is at the very centre of everything we do at Burrough Green. Our curriculum is built on strong, pedagogical principles, with every single child encouraged and nurtured to meet and achieve their potential. We make it our aim to discover what children are good at and to use this to promote a positive attitude to learning. Our locality is reflected in the curriculum we deliver as well as a need to prepare children for life in wider Britain and the wider world. Our curriculum is both broad and balanced, with opportunities for children to celebrate, share and learn about different cultures, beliefs and diversity. The curriculum content allows pupils to explore through an enquiry-based curriculum where there are no limits to learning and a clear development of skills learnt.


Curriculum Implementation

The curriculum at Burrough Green is based on good quality resources. English is taught through quality whole-class texts, film and book extracts. Maths is taught using a mastery approach, with the school embedding ‘sustaining mastery’. The rest of the curriculum has been written to give the children the best opportunities to link and embed learning. All curriculum areas employ enquiry-based learning and every lesson is built around either a key question or skills-based learning. The school has written the curriculum to help reflect not only the locality in which we are situated, but also the diversity of modern day Britain. Creativity and teacher expertise is woven into the curriculum where appropriate. At Burrough Green we have a culture of sharing the best practice and ensuring all of our learners have the best possible start in life.


Curriculum Impact

The impact of the curriculum at Burrough Green is monitored through triangulation of outcomes: pupil voice, test/data outcomes, planning, monitoring of books and displays, lesson learning walks, discussions with teaching staff, pupils and parents. Pupils, parents and staff are consistently and regularly consulted about the curriculum and the impact it makes. The desired outcomes of the curriculum will ensure that pupils are well-rounded students, ready to embark on their high school education. Pupils will have an understanding of what they are good at and will have developed the appropriate skills to face their future challenges.