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School History

The school was originally a Charity School. In 1630, the vicar of the parish Dr.Anthony Gage endowed a piece of land. The rent from this was to be used to build a school room and pay a widow to teach the children to read and write. Further donations were made by Dr. Knight in 1709 and Dr. Watson in 1734. These three charities still assist the school today. Charity awards are presented at the Leavers Ceremony at the end of the summer term.

In 1877, the school became part of the National system and anotherclassroom was added. The story of the parents' opposition to the new fees levied at this time was told in the school play produced in 1977 to celebrate the centenary.


In 1919, a third classroom was built. This houses the village clock, a memorial to the fallen of World War One. The original block housed two classes, while the adjoining school house, vacated in 1970, was used for the school office and Headteacher's room.


A new block consisting of two more classrooms, a hall fitted with gymnastic equipment, a kitchen and a staffroom was opened in 1976. In 1969 the parents financed and built a Purley Pool to provide swimming facilities.Additional facilities, including a new staffroom, library extention and computer suite, were completed in July 1999.

As the years passed the buildings were declared 'not fit for purpose' and discussions ensued regarding the erection of a whole new school building.

Building work started in 2009 and in 2011 possession was taken of a brand-new purpose-built school which still incorporates the 1700’s building.