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Vision & Values

Our School Vision

Kindness is the foundation of our school and, guided by our shared Christian values, we work together to provide a happy, loving and nurturing environment where all are confident to fulfil their hopes and aspirations.  We endeavour to motivate and inspire everyone to become lifelong, resilient and enthusiastic learners in an ever-changing world.

As it says in the Bible, 2 Chronicles 15:7, "Be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded", and in Philippians 4:13, “I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” 



Our School Values

At Burrough Green C of E Primary school our values are AspirationResilience and Kindness (ARK). 

Aspiration - Aim high!

Resilience - Don't give up!

Kindness - Care about each other and the world around you.

ARK - a place that affords safety and protection.

Every day, we live our vision and values in everything that we do as we work together to discover and learn, safe in our Burrough Green ARK.


“Inspired by the Christian vision, the interim leadership team demonstrates an unwavering commitment for every member of the school community to flourish. A priority was made to re-affirm the vision and associated Christian values, which have an impact. Parents and carers see these values as ‘lessons for life’ and reinforce them at home too. Leaders celebrate attitudes and actions that display these values being lived out by their pupils.”

“The curriculum is underpinned by the school’s Christian vision and associated values.”

“The staff know their pupils well.”

"Leaders have developed a restorative approach towards behaviour. This ensures that if behaviour falls below what is expected, it is dealt with positively. Pupils recognise that talking through what has happened ensures that justice prevails. It also enables an opportunity to reflect and learn from poor behaviour. There is a strong sense of care and empathy amongst pupils of all ages. This enables them to flourish and develop as individuals, in a safe place."                                                                                    

SIAMS inspection report February 2023